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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto A must-read for couples! Enjoy Kyoto at night in a kimono

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Kimono column [Kyoto: Recommended information by area]

A must-see for couples! Enjoy Kyoto at night wearing a kimono

When asked "What cityscape in Japan would look good in a kimono?", many people would probably answer Kyoto.

With the popularity of historical anime and games, it seems that more and more people are now looking to wear kimonos as everyday clothing.


Kimono can be worn not only during the day but also at night to enjoy the atmosphere.

Why not wear a kimono and enjoy the night cityscape of Kyoto with your beloved?

What are some fun things to do at night?

You can also enjoy the night cityscape of Kyoto.

However, because it is a basin, it has a climate that is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

If you take precautions such as dressing for the cold and choosing a summer kimono based on the climate, you can enjoy Kyoto's nightlife all year round.

Now, let's take a look at what to enjoy at night in Kyoto through each season.



Spring is the season for cherry blossoms.

Some areas in Kyoto city are lit up so that you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing at night.

If you wear a lined kimono, coat, and scarf to keep you warm, you can still enjoy an evening walk in a kimono.

Kyoto City has many slopes and stairs, and it is dark and difficult to see where you are walking, so please be careful.



Summer evenings are a pleasant time with a cool breeze blowing.

You can also enjoy the cool evening air along the Kamo River or watch a fireworks display.

Yukata are easy to wear even for couples who are wearing kimonos for the first time, making them a perfect choice for a kimono debut.

If you wear geta on bare feet, you may worry about getting blisters, so be sure to take precautions such as applying bandages to parts of the geta that are likely to be rubbed by the thong.



There are many comfortable evenings in autumn.

However, once mid-November has passed, the cold winter weather sets in suddenly, so if you want to wear a kimono and enjoy the evenings, the best time to go is from late summer to early autumn, when the heat has subsided considerably.

Autumn is the season for autumn leaves. Scenic spots are lit up with autumn leaves from around mid-October.

Although the nights are comfortable, the temperature will start to drop, so please take precautions to protect yourself from the cold.



The winter is going to be chilly and chilly, and of course the snow will continue.

When we think of winter nights, the first thing that comes to mind is the two-year visit to a shrine at the end of the year. Couples pray for their future together while listening to the bells tolling on New Year's Eve, and the coming year will be bright.


If you are not used to wearing kimonos, wearing a coat can make it difficult to move your legs. Furthermore, you will be walking through a crowd, so it is best to do it in the early evening.


As for your feet, be sure to wear winter sandals with toenails or boots to protect your feet from the cold and keep them secure.


■Are there any recommended places for couples to go out at night?

Some people may want to wear a kimono and go on a date at night.

If you are going on a night date with your partner and want to wear kimonos, it would be best to wait until you are both used to walking around in kimonos. Only the girlfriend should wear the kimono, and ask him to act as her escort, helping her in places where the footing is poor.


We have compiled a list of recommended night spots in Kyoto that you should visit at least once, so we would like to introduce them to you.


◇Shogunzuka Seiryuden

When you think of Kyoto, the stage of Kiyomizu-dera Temple is popular, but the view of Kyoto from the large stage of Shogunzuka Seiryu-den is also charming. The view during the day is also impressive, but why not put on a kimono and go out during the night illuminations that are held in the spring and autumn?


The jewel-like lights of Kyoto city and the illuminated autumn leaves and cherry blossoms are a sight that couples should definitely share.


You can also drive your own car up to the Seiryuden Fukutokumon Gate, making it convenient for transportation. You can enjoy a night date while enjoying a drive.


The illumination period will be announced as it approaches, so be sure to check the information regularly.


◇Kamogawa River Cool Floor

How about a dinner date on a cool terrace along the Kamo River as you cool off in the summer evenings?

The noryo-yuka is a tatami-floored seating area on the river that is open from May to September. It's nice to enjoy a delicious meal while watching the river flow and the night breeze.


If it's yukata season, you can try wearing one with your boyfriend. There are places in the city where you can get your yukata fixed, so it's a great location for those who aren't used to walking.

The Noryoyuka are held at participating restaurants in four areas along the Kamo River between Gojo-dori and Nijo-dori. It's easy to decide what you want to eat in advance and make a reservation at the restaurant.


◇Togetsukyo Bridge

The theme song for an animated movie based on this bridge became a huge hit, and an increasing number of women are making pilgrimages to the bridge.

Togetsukyo Bridge, a tourist attraction in the Arashiyama area, is extremely popular when lit up at night. The illuminated bridge and trees emerge from the darkness, creating a fantastical atmosphere.


The Togetsukyo Bridge is lit up during the Arashiyama Hanatoro Festival, which runs for about 10 days every December.

The Bamboo Forest Path and other areas will also be lit up at the same time, so why not take the time to enjoy the nightlife of Arashiyama from early evening into the night?


When wearing a kimono, it is a good idea to wear underwear and other clothing to protect yourself from the cold.

Make sure to enjoy the clear winter air to the fullest.


Reference: Togetsukyo Bridge


■ Summary

Even though they are all lumped together as kimonos, there are many different types of kimono, from summer yukatas to hitoe kimonos and winter awase kimonos.

Keep in mind that you will be spending the night in Kyoto, so choose a kimono that suits the season and dress in a way that will keep you warm and cool.


If you rent a kimono, you can choose a kimono that suits the season, and you can also rent cold weather gear. You can also rent kimonos for men.


Be sure to enjoy Kyoto at night as a couple!