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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, Asakusa kimono rental company in Kyoto [2018 edition] How to enjoy Kyoto festivals to the fullest in a yukata

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Kimono column [Kyoto: Recommended information by area]

[2018 Edition] How to make the most of Kyoto festivals in a yukata

Summer in Kyoto is full of festivals. It is also a time when you can enjoy wearing yukata in various situations such as dates and girls' nights. What kind of festivals are there in Kyoto? We have also picked out famous festivals in Kyoto for those who are planning to visit Kyoto from afar, and summarized things to be careful of when enjoying festivals in yukata.

◇① Tanabata Bamboo Decoration Illumination(Kifune Shrine) During the Tanabata season, Kifune Shrine, which is also known as a power spot for matchmaking, is decorated with many bamboo decorations.

Why not write your wish on the bamboo decoration and entrust your wish to the bamboo too?


At night, the bamboo decorations are lit up, creating a truly fantastical atmosphere. Listen to the sound of the bamboo leaves rustling and the swaying of the paper strips. Why not visit Kifune Shrine in a cool, refreshing yukata robes?


Period: July 1st to August 15th, 2018

Time: Dusk to 8pm (extended until 9pm on weekends and holidays) Location: Kifune Shrine

◇②Minato Maizuru Chatta Festival

This festival is held in Maizuru City every year on the last weekend of July.

"Chatta"means "done" in Maizuru dialect. It is used like "denwa shichatta (I was called)."

This festival is packed with events, from the hand-made portable shrine procession on the eve of the festival to the sea parade during the main festival, and the main fireworks display, which lights up the night sky with about 5,000 fireworks.

Period: July 28th to 29th, 2018

Fireworks display: July 29, 2018, 7:30 p.m. (scheduled)

Location: East Coast


◇③Gion Festival 

The Gion Festival, one of the three major festivals in Japan, is held at Yasaka Shrine.

Every year from July 1st to the end of July, the surrounding area is filled with a festive atmosphere. The most festive events are the "Yoiyama" and "Yamahoko Junko" festivals, which start in mid-July.

Shijo-dori and Karasuma-dori become pedestrian zones, and lively Gion bayashi music plays. You can escape the hustle and bustle in various ways, such as taking a stroll along the Kamo River in a yukata or viewing the floats.


Period: July 1st to July 31st, 2018

Pre-festival Yoiyama July 14th to 16th, 2018 Yamahoko Procession July 17th

Location: Around Yasaka Shrine

◇④ Kyoto Gozan Okuribi

The bonfires are held every year on August 16th. Why not join us and share the moment when the bonfires are lit one by one every five minutes?

Once this bonfire is over, summer will soon be coming to an end. Let's enjoy this night in our last yukata of the year.


Date and time: August 16, 2018, lights will be turned on from 8:00

Location: Not specified

◇⑤ Miyazu Lantern Floating Fireworks Festival

This is the largest fireworks display in Kyoto Prefecture. As boats and lanterns float on Miyazu Bay, 3,000 brilliant fireworks are launched into the sky, so bright they are hard to contain in the field of vision.

This fireworks festival has a long history, having been held since 1924. Why not enjoy the lanterns and the bursting fireworks?

Date and time: August 16, 2018 (cancelled in case of bad weather) 19:30-20:20

Location: Shimazaki Park, near Miyazu Seaside Mart Mipple


◇⑥Mitarai Festival (Shimogamo Shrine)

This is a purification ritual held on the Day of the Ox in July at Shimogamo Shrine, a World Heritage Site. It is a festival where people soak their feet in the mitarashi (washing toilet) and pray for good health for the year.

It may be difficult to visit a shrine in a yukata, but it may be nice to go out and enjoy the cool weather. It is also nice to go out in a yukata during the day.

Date and time: July 20th to 29th, 2018, 9:00am to 9:00pm (July 20th: 5:30am to 9:00pm)

Location: Shimogamo Shrine



■Things to keep in mind when enjoying a festival in a yukata

Unlike everyday clothing, yukata can sometimes make it difficult to move and walk in.

Here we have summarized the things you should be careful of to enjoy watching the festival in a yukata.


◇ Be careful with your belongings!


It is not fashionable to carry a tote bag when wearing a yukata.

It is common to carry a small drawstring bag, but this can make you feel a little uneasy about carrying your valuables.

When walking through a crowd, it is a good idea to keep only small change in your wallet.


Always keep in mind that when walking through a crowd, there is a risk of dropping your purse or having it stolen.

Be careful, especially during festivals, because your emotions will be high and you may not be paying attention to your belongings.


Some people put their valuables in the chest or sleeves of their yukata, but this increases the risk of dropping them, so it is best to always put your valuables in a bag.


◇Long distance walking is not recommended


When it comes to festivals, long lines are expected. It is also common for there to be stairs and slopes on the way to the venue. The theory is that you should wear geta with a yukata. If you are not used to wearing geta, there is a risk of falling, and you may get blisters and be unable to walk.


If you are worried about walking for long periods of time, one option is to change into sneakers, although this may be a bit of a letdown.

You could also ignore the theory and wear something you're used to, such as sandals with back straps.


◇Check out stores that offer yukata alterations


When putting on a yukata, it is important to not only fold the edges but also to tie the obi securely.

This can make your chest area feel tight. You may end up loosening the yukata because it feels too tight, and if you continue to walk with big strides as usual, the obi may come loose and the kimono may fall off.


It's possible that your yukata may get ripped apart when you get jostled around in the crowd, so it's a good idea to check if there are shops that can repair your yukata.


You can have your kimono repaired at a kimono shop in a department store or a beauty salon with a kimono dresser. Please contact the store in advance before visiting.


◇Please allow plenty of time in your schedule.


Wearing a yukata inevitably restricts movement. Also, if there are a lot of people at a festival, not only will public transportation schedules be disrupted, but it can also take a long time to get to the station.


It is recommended that you check bus and train schedules, and that you leave early as it may be difficult to walk.

Although you want to enjoy the festival to the fullest, it's important to leave yourself some leeway in your schedule.


■ Summary


We have compiled a list of summer festivals and fireworks displays held in Kyoto. We have picked out festivals that look great in yukata, so why not use them to plan your date or trip?

Please wear a yukata and make some summer memories.

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