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Details of the article in the kimono encyclopedia of VASARA, a kimono rental shop in Asakusa, Kyoto: From cute raccoon dog ornaments to the waterfall where Miyamoto Musashi trained and the temple that seals cancer! There's so much to see! @ Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple

Kimono Rental VASARA HOME > Kimono Encyclopedia > Kimono Column [Kyoto: Recommended Information by Area] > From cute raccoon dog ornaments to the waterfall where Miyamoto Musashi trained and the temple that seals cancer! There's lots to see! @ Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple

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Kimono column [Kyoto: Recommended information by area]

From cute raccoon dog ornaments to the waterfall where Miyamoto Musashi trained and the temple that is said to seal cancer, there's so much to see here! @Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple

Hello! I'm Mo, a female college student. Not long ago, I used to visit a lot of Kyoto's shrines and temples, as well as places with beautiful scenery such as cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, but recently, times have changed, so I've been basking in the memories of places I've been to before (lol). Kyoto is a really mysterious place, and in addition to the various temples and shrines, there are also famous cherry blossom and autumn leaf spots, which makes it really interesting. Each place has its own unique character, so the more you get to know it, the deeper it becomes!!!


Well, this time I would like to explain about Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple, but do you all know about this temple???

It's quite famous, isn't it!!!

I knew about Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple, but I didn't know much about it. So I decided to go and check it out!!! I've put together this article about what I felt when I went there!


This time, I would like to explain Tanukidaniyama Fudoin in a simple and easy-to-understand way!

Please stay with us until the end!


【table of contents】

What is Tanukidaniyama Fudoin?

The charm of Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple

・Lots of raccoon figurines!

・The waterfall where Miyamoto Musashi trained!!!

・A temple that seals off cancer! They have amulets that will "surpass others"!!!

How to get to Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple


What is Tanukidaniyama Fudoin?

Tanukidanisan Fudoin is a temple located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.

The first thing that catches your eye about this temple's name is the raccoon dog (tanuki)!!! You'd think there must be lots of raccoon dogs there!!! There are lots of raccoon dog ornaments in various poses in the temple grounds. Big ones and small ones. They have big, round eyes and are so cute!

There's more to see at Tanukidani Fudoin Temple than just raccoons!!! In fact, there is a waterfall here where Miyamoto Musashi trained!!! And what's more, the temple is also famous for warding off cancer!!! Not only that, but there are also talismans that are popular with athletes, with the tanuki representing "outstanding others." Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple has a lot to offer!!!


The charm of Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple

・Lots of raccoon figurines!

At the entrance to Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple, there is an old-fashioned torii gate covered in moss in the forest.

There is a long line of tanuki in front of the torii gate of Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple.

This chubby tanuki with a big belly is so cute! Is that the boss in the back?

There's also a big raccoon!!! If you look closely at each one, you'll see that they all have different expressions.

It might be fun to find your favorite tanuki!


・The waterfall where Miyamoto Musashi trained!!!

Here at Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple, there is a waterfall where Miyamoto Musashi trained. Miyamoto Musashi was known as the strongest two-sworded swordsman in Japan.

It is said that Miyamoto Musashi and the Yoshioka Seijuro clan practiced their training by bathing in this waterfall before the "Duel at the Pine Trees" in which they fought. There is also a statue here with the cool words "Miyamoto Musashi's Training Waterfall" carved into it. I thought to myself, "I want to become as strong as Miyamoto Musashi here, too."

Unfortunately, it seems that you can no longer practice your asceticism by bathing in the waterfall here.


・A temple that seals off cancer! They have amulets that will "surpass others"!!!

There are many more charms to Tanukidaniyama Fudoin!!! This place is famous for warding off cancer and curing illnesses. There are many prayers for warding off cancer and curing illnesses. On the prayer tablets, it says "Please circle the affected area." It is said that if you circle the area you want to heal, it will be cured.

Also, from the name Tanukidani Fudoin, tanuki means "outdoing others" or "being better than others." This is recommended for people who want to beat their friends in sports or club activities.

There are also raccoon (without other animals) bell charms available, so having one may bring you good luck.


How to get to Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple

We will show you how to get to Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple, located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.

There are several ways to get to Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple from JR Kyoto Station using public transportation, but I personally recommend taking a city bus from Kyoto Station.

First, take the No. 5 bus from Kyoto Station bound for Okazaki Park, Heian Shrine, and Ginkakuji Temple. The ride takes about 50 minutes. From there, walk for about 17 minutes to reach Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple.

Or take the Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station and get off at Shijo Station. The ride takes 3 minutes.

Once you get off at Shijo Station, take bus number 5 bound for Okazaki Park, Heian Shrine, and Ginkakuji Temple for about 40 minutes. From there, walk for about 17 minutes to reach Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple.

Alternatively, take the Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station and get off at Kitaoji Station. The ride takes 13 minutes.

Once you get off at Kitaoji Station, take the Kita 8 bus bound for Shugakuin Matsugasaki Station. The ride takes about 15 minutes. From there, it's a 17-minute walk to the destination.

If you find it difficult to walk or your legs are tired, we recommend taking a taxi.

By taxi, it takes about 32 minutes from Kyoto Station and about 12 minutes from Kitaoji Station.

It takes a little time to walk from the nearest station. It takes 22 minutes on foot from Ichijoji Station.

Nearby are Shisendo Jozanji Temple and Enkoji Temple, and a little further away are Shugakuin Imperial Villa and Ginkakuji Temple. We recommend visiting these places along with Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple!


The official website of Tanukidaniyama Fudoin Temple is here:


If you are going to visit the wonderful place, Kyoto, we recommend renting a kimono!!

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We help many customers dress and style their hair 365 days a year, so our skilled staff can transform you into a beautiful person in a short time! Our staff will dress you in a kimono beautifully to fit each person's body. Also, at VASARA Kimono Rental, we not only dress you in the kimono but also do your hair, so there's no need to go to a beauty salon! You'll get a cute hairstyle that suits you and a beautiful dressing! With this, you too may become a beautiful woman in a kimono or yukata ❤❤


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