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Details of the article in the kimono encyclopedia of VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto: The oldest tea plantation in Japan, featured in the Choju Jinbutsu Giga paintings!!! You should definitely visit Takao-san Temple!!!

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Kimono column [Kyoto: Recommended information by area]

The oldest tea plantation in Japan and the famous Choju Jinbutsu Giga paintings!!! You should definitely go to Kosanji Temple!!!

Hello! It's Mo. Recently, I've been visiting a lot of Kyoto's shrines and temples, as well as places with beautiful scenery such as cherry blossoms and autumn leaves! Kyoto is really interesting because, in addition to the many temples and shrines, there are also famous places for cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. Each one has its own unique character, so the more you get to know it, the more profound it becomes!!!

Well, this time I would like to explain about Takaosan-ji Temple, but do you all know about this temple???

I had vaguely heard about this place, but didn't know much about it, so I've written this article to summarise it all!

This time, I would like to explain Takao-san Temple in a simple and easy-to-understand way!

Please stay with us until the end!

What is Kosanji Temple?

Kosanji Temple is a Shingon sect temple located on Mount Toganoo in Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City. It is also registered as a World Heritage Site!!! It is located northwest of Kyoto Station. It is a little away from Saga-Arashiyama, and is a temple located in Mount Toganoo. Nearby tourist attractions include Saimyoji Temple, Jingoji Temple, Arashiyama Takao Parkway, and Hiraoka Hachimangu Shrine.

To get to Takao-san Temple from Kyoto Station by public transportation, take the JR bus from JR Kyoto Station to Takao Keihoku bound for Shuzan or Toganoo, which will take you there in just under an hour.

Alternatively, take the subway Karasuma Line from Kyoto Station and get off at Shijo Station. The ride takes about 3 minutes.

From there, transfer to a city bus, take the city bus No. 8 from the Shijo Karasuma bus stop, and get off at the Gosho-no-Kuchi bus stop. From there, it's about a 10-minute walk to your destination.

What kind of place is Takao-san Temple?

In 774, Kosanji Temple was founded by Emperor Konin. At that time, it was called Shinganji Togaobo, not Kosanji Temple. In 1206, Myoe was granted the land of Toganoo by Emperor Gotoba. He re-founded Kosanji Temple in Toganoo in an attempt to revive the Kegonkyo Sutra. Currently, the temple is home to Sekisui-in (a national treasure), as well as the Kaisan-do Hall and Kondo Hall, which were rebuilt and relocated during the Edo period.

Highlights of Takayama-ji Temple

・The famous "Chōju Jinbutsu Giga" is here!

At Kosan-ji Temple, you can actually see the Choju Jinbutsu Giga paintings!!

The "Chōju Jinbutsu Giga" is one of the most famous paintings of Takao-ji Temple. It is so famous that it is even included in textbooks!!!

Choju Jinbutsu Giga consists of four volumes, A, B, C, and D. It is said to be the origin of manga because rabbits and frogs are personified. Choju Jinbutsu Giga does not only depict personified rabbits and frogs! Volume A depicts personified animals, volume B is a pictorial book of real and imaginary animals, the first half of volume C depicts human genres, the second half is dobutsu-giga, and volume D depicts people engaged in a contest. It was written in various eras, from the late Heian period to the Kamakura period. It was written by various people, including Toba Sojo Kakuyu, Buddhist painter Jochi, and Yoshikiyo Ajari, but it is not certain. Therefore, the author is unknown.

・The Zenzai Doji statue at the national treasure Sekisui-in Temple is so cute!

Sekisui-in Temple, a national treasure, is the structure closest to the bus stop and parking lot, located at the top of a flight of stairs; this is the building where Myoe spent his time. It was originally the place of study for Emperor Gotoba. It is a shinden-zukuri building built in the early Kamakura period, and has been moved several times. In the centre of this building is a small statue of Zenzai Doji. This statue is based on the boy who sets out on a journey in search of enlightenment (seeking the law) as described in the Avatamsaka Sutra. Myoe revered Zenzai Doji, who had a major influence on Buddhism. A painting of the 55 Zenzai Wisdoms is also displayed in his room.

The statue of Zenzai Doji is really cute!! Unlike the Buddha statues you usually see, it's not that intense, and it's kind of cute.

・The birthplace of tea! Japan's oldest tea plantation is located at Kosanji Temple

Kosanji Temple is also the birthplace of tea. It is said that tea spread to Uji and then to the rest of Japan. It is said that Eisai brought tea seeds back from Song China, and Myoe cultivated them in the mountains of Toganoo.

Myoe then discovered that "tea has the effect of waking up from drowsiness, which is an obstacle to training!" and recommended it to the monks! Toganoo tea is known to be of extremely high quality. It has been given the title of "honcha" by tea lovers and is recognized as tea of the highest quality. During the Kamakura period, tea harvested at Kosan-ji Temple was presented to the shogun and emperor. Even today, tea is picked in the tea gardens at Kosan-ji Temple in May.

The official website of Kosanji Temple is here World Heritage Mount Toganoo Kosanji Temple Official Homepage (


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