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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto Recommended for those who want happiness ♡ Introducing the highlights of the Philosopher's Path!

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Kimono column [Kyoto: Recommended information by area]

Recommended for those who want happiness ♡ Introducing the highlights of the Philosopher's Path!

Hello! It's Mo. Recently, I've been visiting a lot of Kyoto's shrines and temples, as well as places with beautiful scenery such as cherry blossoms and autumn leaves! Kyoto is really interesting because, in addition to the many temples and shrines, there are also famous places for cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. Each one has its own unique character, so the more you get to know it, the more profound it becomes!!!


Well, this time I would like to explain about the Philosopher's Path, but do you all know about this path???


I had vaguely heard about this place, but didn't know much about it, so I've written this article to summarise it all!


This time, I would like to explain this philosophy path in a simple and easy-to-understand way!

Please stay with us until the end!


【table of contents】

What is the Philosopher's Path?

Highlights of the Philosopher's Path

・A must-see for cat lovers ♡ Lots of cats!

・Give me happiness♡♡ "Happy Jizo" and "Love Comes True Telephone Booth"


What is the Philosopher's Path?

The Philosopher's Path is a road in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City. It is a 2-kilometer walkway built along the branch line of the Lake Biwa Canal. It is located northeast of Kyoto Station, between Eikando and Higashiyama Jisho-ji Temple (Ginkakuji). Other nearby tourist attractions include Honen-in Temple, Otoyo Shrine, and Hakusasonso.


You can start the Philosopher's Path from either Ginkakuji or Eikando.

There are many ways to get to Ginkakuji from Kyoto Station, but I will tell you the easiest and cheapest way. Take the bus in front of Kyoto Station and get off at the bus stop near Ginkakuji, called Ginkakuji-mae. The ride takes about 25 minutes. Once you get off the bus, it's a 5-minute walk to your destination, Ginkakuji. The fare is about 230 yen, which is cheaper than taking the train.

If you are going to Eikando from Kyoto Station, we also recommend taking the bus. Take the bus in front of Kyoto Station and get off at the bus stop near Eikando called Miyanomaecho. The ride takes about 30 minutes. Once you get off the bus, it's a 5-minute walk to your destination, Eikando. The fare is also about 230 yen, which is cheaper than taking the train.


Now let me tell you more about the path of philosophy.

The name "Philosopher's Path" sounds interesting, doesn't it?

As the name suggests, this road was so named because philosophers used to walk along it while lost in thought. In the past, it wasn't called the Philosopher's Path, but was called the "Path of Thought" because Nishida Kitaro used to walk along it. Later, Nishida's disciples Tanabe Hajime and Miki Kiyoshi also walked along it while lost in thought, just like Nishida, so the name was changed to "Philosopher's Path." It's actually only recently, in 1972, that this name has been used.

So why is it called the "Philosopher's Walk"? There is a road in Germany that was loved by Nietzsche and Goethe, and that road is called the "Philosopher's Walk." There is also a theory that it was named by a Kyoto University student who admired German philosophy.


Highlights of the Philosopher's Path

・A must-see for cat lovers ♡ Lots of cats!

・Give me happiness♡♡ "Happy Jizo" and "Love Comes True Telephone Booth"


・A must-see for cat lovers ♡ Lots of cats!

For some reason, there are a lot of cats on the Philosopher's Path. All the stray cats are used to people and are beautiful. A popular photo spot is the sign of a closed coffee shop that says "We will be closed today." If you take a photo with it, you can take a very retro and cute photo. There are also cushions for the cats to sit comfortably.

It's loved by the locals! It's near Kumano Wakaouji Shrine, so please check it out! It's nice to spend some relaxing time with the soothing cats.


・Give me happiness♡♡ "Happy Jizo" and "Love Comes True Telephone Booth"

"Happy Jizo"

Near Ginkakuji Temple is Miroku-in Temple. There is a "Happy Jizo" there. It is a wooden Jizo holding a child. It was originally enshrined by a merchant in Kyoto.

Apparently it was acquired during the war and enshrined in the main hall of Miroku-in Temple. There are many comments from people saying that it has brought them happiness. Why not go and see it for yourself?



"The phone booth where love comes true"

If you walk along the Philosopher's Path, you'll come across Yojiya Cafe. At the entrance to this cafe is a "phone booth that will make your love come true"! The wooden phone booth has a retro feel. It's said that if you make a call here, your love will come true. There are statues of an old man and woman on the roof. These statues were in a mansion before Yojiya was built, and were apparently placed on the roof with the hope that people who come here will find happiness. Nowadays, most people have mobile phones, so I don't think many people make calls from phone booths, but if you have someone you like, it would be romantic to make the move here.

The official website of Yojiya Cafe Ginkakuji is here:


If you are going to visit the wonderful place, Kyoto, we recommend renting a kimono!!

Kimono rental shop VASARA is based in Kyoto and is popular with people of all ages.


Kimono Rental VASARA Kyoto Station Store


We help many customers dress and style their hair 365 days a year, so our skilled staff can transform you into a beautiful person in a short time! Our staff will dress you in a kimono beautifully to fit each person's body. Also, at VASARA Kimono Rental, we not only dress you in the kimono but also do your hair, so there's no need to go to a beauty salon! You'll get a cute hairstyle that suits you and a beautiful dressing! With this, you too may become a beautiful woman in a kimono or yukata ❤❤


If you are interested, please check out the plans, prices, and kimono list!


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