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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto: Is moss really this beautiful? The World Heritage site "Saiho-ji Temple" is fascinated by its moss

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Kimono column [Kyoto: Recommended information by area]

Was moss really this beautiful? The World Heritage site "Saihoji Temple" is fascinated by its moss.

Hello! I'm Mo. Recently, I've become obsessed with temples and shrines in Kyoto, and I've been researching them on the internet and Instagram and visiting them. Kyoto's temples and shrines are full of history, and the gardens are beautiful, so just visiting them makes me feel at ease. I've been to many temples and shrines, and I really think that each one has its own unique characteristics and is very interesting. That's a long introduction (lol) This time, I would like to introduce Saihoji Temple in Kyoto. Rather than Saihoji Temple, it might be better to call it Moss Temple. If you want to feel the wabi-sabi of Kyoto, this is the place. I also went to this Moss Temple, and my feelings about moss have changed (lol). Until now, I had no interest in moss at all (lol). But leaving aside the story of how my feelings about moss have changed, this time I would like to tell you about the charm of Saihoji Temple, where the moss is beautiful.


【table of contents】

☆What is Saihoji Temple?

☆The charm of Saihoji Temple is definitely the moss!

●The moss at Saihoji Temple is truly impressive!!!

●Things to note!


☆What is Saihoji Temple?

Saihoji Temple is a Rinzai sect independent temple located in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City, near Kyoto University.

It is also known as the "Moss Temple" because the grounds are covered with approximately 120 layers of moss over an area of 35,000 square meters.


1,300 years ago during the Nara period, by decree of Emperor Shomu, Gyoki founded 49 Hosso sect temples.

Before the temple was founded, Prince Shotoku's villa was located where it is today. At the beginning of the Heian period, Kukai temporarily moved there, and at the beginning of the Kamakura period, Honen converted it to the Jodo sect. After it was destroyed by war, Muso Kokushi rebuilt it as a Zen temple.


It is said that the famous Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Yoshimasa also practiced zazen at Saiho-ji Temple, and it is said that the gardens of both Kinkaku-ji Temple, which was later founded by Yoshimitsu, and Ginkaku-ji Temple, which was founded by Yoshimasa, were modeled after the gardens of Saiho-ji Temple.


It has been designated a special national scenic spot and historic site, and in 1994 was registered as a World Heritage Site.


☆The charm of Saihoji Temple is definitely the moss!

●The moss at Saihoji Temple is truly impressive!!!

●Things to note!


☆The charm of Saihoji Temple is definitely the moss!

●The moss at Saihoji Temple is truly impressive!!!

When you think of Saihoji Temple, you think of "moss." The garden of Saihoji Temple is divided into two levels, the upper level being a dry landscape garden, and the lower level being a stroll-style garden with a pond called Golden Pond at its center. The moss spreads all over, like a green carpet has been laid out. It's fluffy and looks like it would be pleasant to touch. Just looking at it is soothing. I wasn't particularly impressed by the moss around me, but when I saw the tree wrapped in soft moss, I felt the warmth of the moss, and wanted to be wrapped in moss. If there was a moss blanket, I'd buy one right away (lol).

I felt like I wanted to be wrapped in moss. I want to go back there and be healed! Until now, I was healed by the sound of the river, the forest, the sea, etc., but this was the first time I was healed by moss!!! Everyone, please go to Moss Temple and be healed by moss❤


●Things to note!

You need to make a reservation in advance to see the moss at Saihoji Temple! This is apparently due to tourism pollution in the past. Tourist spots often have tourism pollution such as garbage, exhaust fumes, and noise. Saihoji Temple has had a small number of visitors since 1977, hoping that people would pray quietly. Moo once went to Saihoji Temple without knowing this, and was not able to enter.

If you want to go to Saihoji Temple, make sure to make a reservation. The reservation method is by return postcard.

Applications must arrive between two months and one week before the date of the visit. However, in the case of a large number of applications or a memorial service, applications may not be accepted. Furthermore, visitors must be junior high school students or older.

Apparently children are allowed in a few times a year. Please check their website for details.

Please see the Saihoji Temple homepage here:


There are some restrictions, but that's why some things are protected. It's inevitable to restrict things because you really want to take good care of them. For example, say you have an important book. What would you do if a friend asked you to lend it to them? There are many options, such as only lending it to friends who will use it carefully, or not lending it at all, but with something really important, you want to restrict it a little. This means that Saihoji Temple is also treasured. When you visit, it's good to have a sincere feeling that you are being lent an important place.


Please see the Saihoji Temple homepage here:


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