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Details of the Kimono Encyclopedia article from VASARA, Asakusa Kimono Rental, Kyoto I can't get my child to wear a yukata! What should I do?! For those of you in this situation, we'll tell you about yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses!

VASARA Kimono Rental HOME > Kimono Encyclopedia > Yukata Knowledge > I can't get my child to wear a yukata! What should I do?! For those of you who are in this situation, we'll tell you about yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses!

Kimono Encyclopedia

Yukata Knowledge

I can't get my child to wear a yukata! What should I do?! For those of you in this situation, we'll tell you about yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses!

Hello! It's hot! I'm excited to think that summer is coming soon!

Summer is all about fireworks displays and summer festivals!!! I'm sure there are many people who are buying yukata for their children in preparation for the summer???????????????


However, on the other hand, even if you want to dress your child in a yukata, there may be some people who find it difficult to do so. Most people usually wear Western clothes, so most people are not used to wearing or dressing their child in a yukata. Even if you watch videos on how to dress your child in a yukata, there are probably many people who are troubled because they just can't get their child to wear it properly.


How about skipping the yukata and opting for a yukata dress or one-piece instead???

Of course, yukatas also have many cute patterns, and matching them with heko obi is also nice,

Yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses can be worn more cutely and beautifully than regular yukatas.


So, in this article I would like to talk about yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses.

What are yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses???

A yukata dress is a yukata that is divided into separate top and bottom parts, unlike a regular yukata. The obi sash covers the stomach area, hiding the fact that the top and bottom are separate. It looks like a yukata and is easy to wear, so it kills two birds with one stone!

A yukata one-piece is not a separate yukata like a yukata one-piece, but a yukata with a wide hem like a one-piece dress. Unlike a yukata dress, it is worn more like a yukata, with an obi wrapped around the stomach area. The skirt is short, so there is no need to worry about dragging the hem when walking. You can enjoy wearing a yukata just like regular clothing!


How are yukata dresses and yukata one-piece dresses different from regular yukatas?

Perfect for energetic children! Above all, it's easy to move around in! Yukata requires children to walk with small strides, so it can be a very tight fit for energetic children. They may trip over something they're not used to.

Yukata dresses and one-piece dresses have short hems, making them easy to walk in. They are also safe for children who are active.


The kimono won't easily come undone, so you can take photos towards the end of the festival without worry!

When you put a yukata on your child, it may come undone, and as the festival draws to a close, it may begin to unravel. Some mothers have trouble getting their children to move around no matter how much they try to fix it. However, with a yukata dress or one-piece dress, you can rest assured.

It is less likely to come undone than a yukata. It will last longer if you use cardboard instead of a heko obi, or attach a rubber band to the inside of the heko obi.


Moms can rest assured! It's super easy to put on!!!

Yukata is hard to put on. Even if you manage to put it on well, if your child is full of energy, it often comes undone. Instead of a yukata, which is hard to put on, why not try a yukata dress or a yukata one-piece dress, which is easy to put on? Both are easy to put on, but a yukata dress is a separate top and bottom, so it is easier to put on and take off than a yukata one-piece dress.


She's so childlike and cute♡♡

Small children look much cuter in yukata dresses or one-piece dresses with lace and frills than in adult-like yukatas!!! I've seen small children in yukata dresses and one-piece dresses, and they looked so adorable running around energetically ♡ It's not something you can do much when you become an adult, is it?


But I still want my child to wear a yukata beautifully!

For you, we recommend VASARA Kimono Rental's Children's Yukata Plan!!!

Our experienced staff will help you put on a yukata or kimono quickly and neatly!

We not only dress children, but also fathers, mothers, grandfathers, and grandmothers!!! For about 3,000 to 6,000 yen, you can get dressed in a yukata and have your hair styled, so there's no need to go to a beauty salon just to get your hair styled. The plan also includes geta sandals and a drawstring bag, so you don't have to go out of your way to buy those either. You can even come to the store empty-handed! Why not take this opportunity to wear yukata with the whole family???????????????


If you're interested, click on the URL below!!!

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