Currently operating 21 stores nationwide, including Asakusa and Kamakura

Details of the kimono encyclopedia article of VASARA, a kimono rental shop in Asakusa, Kyoto [Student discount ends soon!] Rent a beautiful hakama for a gorgeous graduation ceremony

Kimono Rental VASARA HOME > Kimono Encyclopedia > [Special Edition] Kimono Column > [Student Discount Ends Soon!] Rent a Beautiful Hakama for a Gorgeous Graduation Ceremony

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[Special Edition] Kimono Column

[Student discount ends soon!] Rent a beautiful hakama for a glamorous graduation ceremony

It's graduation season. Many people want to wear traditional Japanese clothing to make their graduation ceremony a wonderful memory, but have you prepared your hakama yet? Kimono Rental VASARA is still accepting reservations for hakama. In addition, the limited-time student discount campaign "Graduation Hakama Double Introduction Campaign" will end on Friday, March 15th. If you are having trouble reserving a hakama, please contact Kimono Rental VASARA. In this article, we will introduce the appeal of VASARA 's hakama and examples of hakama coordination.

The appeal of VASARA kimono rental

Kimono Rental VASARA has 21 stores nationwide. The number of stores means that it is loved by locals. Stores near graduation ceremony venues, such as Shinjuku and Kamakura, are fully booked and it is difficult to make reservations at any store, but Kimono Rental VASARA deals with customers by thinking about how to satisfy customers. For example, if there is a customer who cannot make it unless it is before business hours, we will ask the person in charge if we can accommodate early in the morning and find a way to accommodate them. With only one store, the store is often filled with customers, but this common sense does not apply to Kimono Rental VASARA. We check with nearby stores and guide you to the store that is available if there is no problem with the time. This is a service that can only be provided because we put the customer first.

In addition, if there are not enough dressing staff when a group comes, we can respond flexibly by asking for help from other stores.

Store information can be found here.

The Graduation Hakama W Introduction Campaign is ending soon! Now is the time to take advantage!

The Graduation Hakama W Introduction Campaign is a service where if you make a reservation for kimono rental and introduce a friend who has not yet made a reservation for a hakama, you and your friend will receive a 1,000 yen QUO card. The reservation acceptance period for this campaign is until Friday, March 15th. If you are interested, please feel free to apply. Don't you think that the price of renting a hakama is a little high for a one-time thing? So we compared the price of purchasing and the rental price. We compared how much you can save.

For details on the Graduation Hakama W Introduction Campaign, please click here.

1. Differences between purchasing and renting

When purchasing a kimono, it would be best if you had someone who could help you put it on, but in most cases this is not the case, so the basic procedure is to ask for help when you get your hair done at a beauty salon. In contrast, the kimono rental VASARA system allows you to get the hakama you want at the store and have your hair done at the same time, so you don't need to make any other reservations once you've made a reservation for hakama rental.

2. When worn multiple times

Some people wear hakama several times after purchasing them to get the most out of them, but the only time you can wear a hakama other than for a graduation ceremony is for a photo shoot or as street wear. Unless it's for an event, it's a one-time thing.

When renting, there are many different types of hakama and two-shaku-sode (long sleeve) kimonos available, so even if you suddenly need to use them for a photo shoot, you will not be wearing the same hakama, so you can start the day feeling fresh.

3. Reasonable rates

The difference in price between rental and purchase is about twice as much. If you plan to wear it more than three times, it is more economical to purchase. Of course, if you plan to pass it on to your daughter in the future, it is better to purchase. However, it is also worth noting that you can rent a beautiful hakama according to the trend as needed.

4. No maintenance or storage space required

If you rent, the hakama will be managed by the store, so there is no need for maintenance such as stain removal or prevention of insects. If you accidentally get it dirty while renting, you can get compensation for repair and cleaning costs if you subscribe to the "Safety Pack 1000" at Kimono Rental VASARA, so it is more economical.

Coordination example

It's a good idea to wear different colors and match the patterns with your friends. The Yagasuri pattern on the Nisasode is known as a classic pattern, and matching this with a plain hakama is a simple yet retro and cute hakama look.

This is a hakama coordinated with a furisode. There is absolutely no problem with matching a hakama with a furisode, so if you purchased one for your coming-of-age ceremony, it would be nice to wear it together. The hakama is a currently popular gradation + embroidered hakama. It's a wonderful coordination that gives you a sense of Taisho Romanticism while retaining a modern feel.

This is a coordination that combines a two-shaku sleeve with a modern pattern and a plain hakama. The large patterns on both sides of the white background are impressive. It has a nice Retro Modern feel. The person in the middle has a red ribbon on her head that matches the hakama and two-shaku sleeve, which is cute.

There's still time to reserve your beautiful hakama!

We are still accepting reservations for hakama at VASARA Kimono Rental. If you have not yet made a reservation, please contact us as soon as possible to make sure you have a wonderful graduation ceremony.

For reservations and inquiries, please contact our call center, which is shared among all stores. Please feel free to contact us.

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