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Hakama knowledge taught by Kanazawa Station store staff

I am a staff member at the kimono rental vasara Kanazawa Ekimae store. March is graduation season. Many people rent hakama to make graduation ceremonies even more festive. I also made sure to wear a hakama at my graduation ceremony. I have worn furisode several times, so I was really looking forward to wearing a hakama on graduation day. In my case, I was dressed in the school gymnasium, where many hairdressers and kimono dressers gathered and quickly helped me take turns dressing.

So, this time we will introduce some useful information and etiquette for wearing a hakama to a graduation ceremony.


・If you are renting a hakama, please allow yourself plenty of time.

Graduation ceremonies are held at various locations at the same time, so a detailed schedule is planned to get many graduates through. If one person is late, it will cause inconvenience to the next group, so please try to arrive as early as possible. If you are unable to make it to your reservation time, please be sure to contact us.


・A tip to keep your hakama in place

Even if you have been dressed beautifully, it would be a disaster if the kimono came undone. There are some common points at graduation ceremonies that can cause the kimono to come undone, so please be careful.

When you sit down

At graduation ceremonies, people often stand up and sit down on their chairs. I often hear stories of the obi falling down when this happens. The reason why this happens is due to the structure of the hakama. When putting on the hakama, the hakama goes over the obi, so if you sit down like that, it feels like the hakama is being pulled down, and the hakama that was resting on the obi will slip down. To prevent this, when sitting down, it is important to always lift up the bottom of the hakama with both hands.


・Going up and down stairs

Because it is difficult to see your feet when wearing hakama, you may step on the hem of your hakama when going up or down stairs. This can result in serious injury. To prevent this, when going up stairs, put your hands through the slits in your hakama to lift up the front of the hem, and when going down stairs, lift up the back of the hem.


・Toilet timing

For women, knowing how to use the toilet is probably the number one thing they want to know. It's not something you wear on a regular basis, so it can be a worry. If you need to go to the toilet after putting on your hakama, use it as if you were wearing a long skirt. Also, when putting on the kimono, wear your underwear shallowly. Tuck both sleeves of your kimono between your hakama so they don't touch the floor.


Next, I will explain the process leading up to the day. If you have decided that you want to wear a hakama to your graduation ceremony, it is a good idea to first decide whether you will wear sandals or boots as part of your preparations. This will help you to imagine how you will look when finished on the day, and by telling the dresser, you can have the length of the hakama tailored to suit you. Now, I would like to give you some advice on the difference between wearing boots and wearing sandals.

- Boots Boots have heels, so they can make your legs look longer and more stylish. Wearing boots gives you a retro and sophisticated look. Also, because you're used to wearing them, they're easy to walk in and don't make you tired. However, they also have the disadvantage of being difficult to put on and take off.

・Zori sandals: This gives a classic and elegant look. Since wearing zori sandals with hakama has been the traditional style, this is recommended for those who want to create a mature image. However, there is a downside to wearing zori sandals: your feet will get tired and hurt easily if you are not used to wearing them.


Next, when it comes to choosing a hakama, if you have an image of what you like in mind beforehand, you will be able to choose your outfit more smoothly.

Tips for deciding the color of your hakama

Should you choose based on the Hakama or the kimono you want to wear? We recommend that you check it out beforehand. Choosing your outfit is also one of the fun things to do, and it will become a good memory. Once you have decided on your outfit, put it on, look in the mirror, and check that the color, pattern, and how it looks on your face are good, and if it looks good, it is decided. It is often difficult to decide on your own, so it is safer to come to the store with your family or friends. Get a good night's sleep the night before and be in top condition. It is preferable to wear clothes that can be opened in the front or have a wide neckline on the day.



Above, we have mentioned some points to note about hakama and tips on how to choose them. By knowing this information, you will be able to enjoy choosing hakama and it will be useful in many ways.


If you haven't decided on a hakama yet, you still have time. The kimono rental shop, Vasava Kanazawa Ekimae, is just a 3-minute walk from the station, so it's conveniently located. Please feel free to contact us.