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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto. Things to keep in mind for the best graduation ceremony. Are boots okay? Tips for keeping your kimono from falling out of place and keeping warm?

Kimono Rental VASARA HOME > Kimono Encyclopedia > Kimono Column > Things to keep in mind for the best graduation ceremony. Should I wear boots? Tips for keeping my kimono from falling out and keeping warm?

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Things to keep in mind for a perfect graduation ceremony. Should I wear boots? Tips for keeping my clothes from falling out and keeping warm?

March is graduation season. The standard attire for women at graduation ceremonies is of course the hakama. I graduated about three years ago, and most of my classmates were wearing hakama. Everyone was taking lots of pictures with selfie sticks and cameras, trying to get a picture of themselves in a hakama, something they wouldn't normally wear. Graduation ceremonies are memories and records of many people, so we want to look our best. So, in this article, we will introduce some useful information for wearing hakama to graduation ceremonies, the pros and cons of boots and sandals, and tips on how to keep your hakama from coming undone.



◆Points to note for graduation ceremonies◆

●The graduation ceremony itself is surprisingly short.

Do you know that university students' graduation ceremonies are surprisingly short? They are generally about 1.5 to 2 hours long. In addition, comprehensive universities with many faculties often have them divided into a first half and a second half, or a first and second part. Make sure to check what time your faculty starts. It's also a good idea to check with your friends.


If you are renting a hakama, please allow plenty of time.

Graduation ceremonies are held at various locations at the same time, so kimono rental stores are often overcrowded with reservations. It generally takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get dressed and have your hair done. Please work backwards from the meeting time to plan your schedule. If you feel that you may not have enough time to make the meeting time, please contact the store where you made your reservation early, or if you made a reservation with Kimono Rental VASARA, please contact the common call center. If reservations are overcrowded, it may not be possible to adjust the reservation time.


◆Points to note about hakama◆

When wearing hakama, is it better to wear boots? Or is it correct to wear zori sandals?

People who wear hakama at graduation ceremonies often worry about what to wear. Some people say that boots are better when wearing hakama, while others say that zori sandals are more suitable, so it can be hard to decide which to wear. As a general rule, you can rest assured that you can wear either one without making a mistake. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of boots and zori sandals.


・For boots

Many people are used to wearing boots, so the advantage is that they are easy to walk in and don't tire your feet. Another advantage is that you can wear socks instead of tabi socks, and your feet don't get wet easily even on rainy or snowy days. Also, because boots have heels, they can make your legs look longer and improve your style. Wearing boots gives you a retro and sophisticated look.

The disadvantage of boots is that they are more difficult to put on and take off than sandals. It would be a shame if your beautifully put-on hakama were to come undone when you took off your shoes.


・For sandals

The advantage of wearing zori is that you can wear hakama in a classic and elegant way. Since wearing zori with hakama has been the traditional style, it may be better for those who want to give off a mature image.

The disadvantages are that you may feel pain if you are not used to wearing them, and if it rains or snows, the tabi socks may get wet and you may feel colder.

When you rent a hakama from VASARA Kimono Rental, sandals are included in the set.


If you choose to wear boots, please use "lace-up boots". They will look the most stylish when worn with hakama.


●What should I do to protect myself from the cold?

It is still chilly in March. Graduation ceremonies held in large venues are often air-conditioned, but there is often time to wait outside and take photos outside, so it is important to take precautions against the cold.

First of all, it's a good idea to wear something like heat tech as an undergarment. Kimono sleeves open wide, so if you raise or stretch your arms, your undergarment may be visible, so it's important to fold them up to about 7/8 length to avoid ruining the look. Hakama are structured like a skirt, so your feet are also prone to getting cold. It's a good idea to wear knee-high socks or leggings.


●One point to keep your hakama in good condition

It would be a big problem if your kimono gradually starts to fall apart even though you were dressed beautifully. There are some common points at graduation ceremonies that can cause your kimono to fall apart, so please be careful.


When sitting down

At graduation ceremonies, people often stand up and sit down, and it is common for the obi to slip down when they do so. This is because the hakama is designed to cover the obi, so when you sit down, the hakama slides down along with the obi. Therefore, when you sit down, it is important to lift up the back of your hakama.


・Going up and down stairs

Because it is difficult to see your feet when wearing hakama, you may step on the hem of your hakama when going up or down stairs. The key is to put your hands through the slits in the hakama to lift up the front of the hem when going up stairs, and lift up the back of the hem when going down stairs.


・Toilet timing

If you need to go to the toilet after putting on the hakama, use it as if you were wearing a long skirt. Another way to avoid getting your kimono dirty is to tuck both sleeves of your kimono between the hakama so they don't touch the floor.


◆How to have fun after the graduation ceremony◆

When you become a working adult, it's often difficult to find time to hang out together, so I think it's important to have fun to the fullest and make some last memories at university.

At VASARA Kimono Rental, we create kimono columns recommending various sightseeing spots in Asakusa, Kamakura, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Osaka, Kurashiki, Ise, and Hakata, where we have stores. We have compiled a list of photo spots and sightseeing spots that go well with kimono, so please use it as a reference.


Please see the kimono column here.



◆If you haven't reserved your hakama yet, please do so as soon as possible◆

If you have not yet reserved your hakama, please contact VASARA Kimono Rental Call Center. We will check the reservation status and arrange a preview.


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