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Enjoy the delicious crepes as you stroll around Kamakura!

This is the Kamakura Komachi Street store!

There are many delicious foods in Kamakura, but one of the most recommended is crepes, which you can easily eat even in a kimono!! This time, we will introduce some excellent sweets you can eat in Kamakura!!

[Coquelicot Crepe Shop]

First of all, when it comes to crepes in Kamakura, this is the place to go! Coquelicot is a popular crepe shop on Komachi-dori. It is about a 6-minute walk from Kamakura Station. It opened about 40 years ago and was newly renovated in the spring of 2018. The new shop is a ticket vending system with two ticket vending machines. Tickets are lined up inside the shop, so it's fine on hot or cold days.

The shop is very comfortable, with toilets and a water server inside! The name "Kokkuriko" comes from the word for poppy.

There are over 60 different items on the menu, and the dough is made with carefully selected ingredients, with a crisp exterior and a chewy interior. The dough itself is delicious, so the simple, hot, sugar-flavored crepes are very popular. The most popular is the lemon sugar crepe, which is made by squeezing real lemon and quickly sprinkling sugar on it. For those who want a really sweet crepe, the chocolate banana and fresh cream banana flavors are popular.

Prices are reasonable, ranging from 350 yen to 600 yen! The Komachi-dori store has two ticket machines and two plates for baking crepes. Once you buy a ticket, hand it over to an available staff member and they will bake your crepe. Once it's done, you can enjoy it at the back of the store!


[Kannon Coffee Kamakura]

Kamakura sweets are sure to look great on social media! Enjoy playful biscuits and sweets with a Great Buddha motif ♡ Leave the north exit of Enoshima Electric Railway Hase Station and walk for about 3 minutes. You will see the stylish exterior of "Kannon Coffee" on your left. It is a Japanese-natural shop that is typical of Kamakura. In the bright, wooden interior, cute sweets are lined up on a blackboard, and a brief description of the sweets' characteristics is attached, so you can use it as a reference when choosing your favorite ♪

For those who want to take a short break, there are four counter seats, and there is also a stylish bench seat outside the shop. Take a break from sightseeing with a hot drink and sweet treat. The most popular menu item at the shop is the crepe with the Great Buddha peeking out, which is a hot topic on social media! The "Great Buddha Biscuit" is only available in Kamakura and has a slight cinnamon flavor. The crepe does not actually have a Great Buddha enshrined on it, so if you want to take an Instagram-worthy photo, be sure to try topping it with it! The Great Buddha Biscuit and crepes are so popular that they can sell out as early as the evening. Be sure to come early on the weekends when they are particularly busy.




Ronuni is a famous jam shop that is known to all Kamakura fans, and is so popular that there are often long lines! Crepes are baked every day in the crepe hut attached to the shop. The chewy dough made from French flour is filled with plenty of homemade jam, and the millefeuille-like dough has a crispy browned surface and is incredibly chewy inside!

The dough is fragrant and chewy, so we recommend the simple crepes, which are made with only butter and sugar. There are also about 40 kinds of jams on display in the store. In addition to jams, they also have baked goods such as cookies and sables, which make great souvenirs.



What did you think? This time we introduced some crepes that are perfect for eating while walking around. If you are going for a stroll around Kamakura, be sure to rent a kimono from VASARA Kimono Rental and enjoy eating while walking around!


VASARA Kamakura Komachi Street Store