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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto Wear a formal kimono! Introducing recommended spots to visit around Ginza

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Wear a formal kimono and go! Introducing recommended spots around Ginza

This is VASARA Kimono Rental store in Ginza 3-chome.

Because it is located in Ginza, many customers wear Homongi. The reason why Homongi are used in Ginza instead of Komon or Yukata is because Ginza is home to many outing spots suitable for Homongi formal wear.

【table of contents】

*Kabukiza Theatre

* Shinbashi Enbujo Theater

Kanze Noh Theatre

Tsukiji Honganji Temple

* Tsukiji Outer Market


*Kabukiza Theatre

The first thing that comes to mind is the Kabukiza Theatre. It was rebuilt in February 2013 as the fifth Kabukiza Theatre. Previously, the affordable seats for one act at this theatre had many stairs, making it a little difficult to move around in a kimono, but the theatre has now been equipped with escalators and elevators, making it easy to move around even in a kimono. Naturally, you can wear a kimono, reserve an upper seat on the first floor, and indulge in watching Kabuki while eating your lunch. This is the ultimate satisfaction.

On the second basement floor of the new Kabukiza, you will find Kobikicho Square, which sells various Japanese items. Even if you don't see the Kabukiza, it is a great spot to take photos in a kimono and buy souvenirs.


* Shinbashi Enbujo Theater

Another must-visit spot along with the Kabukiza is the Shinbashi Enbujo. Not only Kabuki but also various other plays are performed here, so you might end up at the Shinbashi Enbujo while following your favorite actor. If that happens, remember the VASARA Kimono Rental Ginza store and put on a kimono before heading out. Kimono-wearing people in the audience will be particularly eye-catching, so you're sure to get the attention of the performers. We hope you'll use kimonos as a way to promote yourself.


Kanze Noh Theatre

Next, something that is surprisingly little known is the Kanze Noh Theatre on the third basement floor of GINZA SIX, which opened in April 2017. It was built by moving the cypress stage from Shoto, Shibuya, as it was. It is quite novel to have a Noh theatre in GINZA SIX. A woman standing there in a kimono. A picturesque scene comes to mind. It would be nice for couples to wear kimonos and watch a Noh performance together. Why not go out on a date in a rented kimono?

It is about a 5-minute walk from VASARA Ginza 3-chome store. Even on rainy days, there is a direct underground passage from Ginza Station to GINZA SIX, so you won't get wet.


Tsukiji Honganji Temple

Well, we have been showing you around the theater, but now let's change direction completely. If you go a little further from Ginza, you will find Tsukiji Honganji Temple. Its exotic exterior, modeled after ancient Indian Buddhist architecture, is a photogenic spot that is definitely worth a visit. Many customers who come to Tsukiji Honganji Temple for shrine visits and Shichigosan ceremonies use VASARA Ginza, and it is a joy for us staff to be able to help our customers with this auspicious milestone.


* Tsukiji Outer Market

Speaking of Tsukiji, have you ever wondered what happened to Tsukiji Market, which was recently relocated? The Tsukiji Outer Market is still open. Of course, formal formal wear doesn't suit the market. Rent a casual komon kimono and head out. If you're worried about getting it dirty, don't worry. Kimono Rental VASARA offers a peace of mind package that can handle any stains or damage. For komon, the peace of mind package of 300 yen covers you up to 50,000 yen, so you don't have to worry if soy sauce splashes on you while eating rock oysters or if you get jostled in a crowd.


Toyosu Market, which finally opened in 2018, also had visitors from overseas who came dressed in kimono. They said that eating sushi in a kimono was exceptional at the market, where the freshest fish in Japan is available! I think that from now on, there will be more opportunities for people to entertain foreigners. Why not suggest eating sushi in a kimono or experiencing Japanese culture in a kimono? There are 39 stores in Toyosu Market that have relocated from Tsukiji. There is also a deck where you can watch the tuna auction, and there is an exhibition of the transport vehicle turret (turret truck) that became famous at Toyosu Market, as well as a tuna (model) that you can take photos with.


What do you think? This time we introduced some places to visit around Ginza. We hope this will be helpful for you when you go to Ginza.

The VASARA Kimono Rental Ginza store is waiting for you with bright smiles today as well.

Click here for details on VASARA Ginza 3-chome store