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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article by VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto Introducing a noodle shop in Kurashiki that you should stop by while walking around in a kimono

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Introducing some noodle shops in Kurashiki that you should stop by while walking around in a kimono

In the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, the area centered around the Kurashiki River was early on developed into farmland through reclamation.

Later, in 1600, it became the territory of the Magistrate of Bitchu Province, and Kurashiki became the gateway port for the Matsuyama Domain and a transit point for the transportation of goods to the Kansai region.

In the 19th year of the Kanei era (1642), a magistrate's office was established in the area and it became a territory of the Imperial Court. With the protection of the shogunate and the abundance of produce in the surrounding area, the area grew as a hub for goods. Along the river in Kurashiki's Bikan Historical Quarter, a streetscape centered on lacquered townhouses and white-walled storehouses was formed.

The street leading from Honmachi to Higashimachi used to be the highway connecting the center of Kurashiki with Hayashima, and the town existed before the Kurashiki River. It is said that the area was once lined with chests of drawers and barrel makers, and even today you can encounter unchanged scenery that has continued since ancient times, such as inns with latticed doors, sake breweries with cedar balls hanging from their eaves, and the approach to Achi Shrine.

We will introduce some delicious noodle shops in Kurashiki. Please stop by when you are sightseeing.


●Bukkake Udon Furuichi

Kurashiki Udon Bukkake has won the Udon Tenkaichi Championship for two consecutive years. The secret to its deliciousness lies in its commitment to four ingredients: water, salt, dashi, and flour. The noodles have a soft texture and firmness, and are topped with a rich, sweet and spicy broth. The taste is an exquisite combination that is different from Kake Udon and Zaru Udon. Kurashiki Udon Bukkake is loved by many Kurashiki residents. Its popularity began at the Naka store, located right in front of the station and convenient for transportation, and it has expanded to 10 stores in the prefecture, including the Aeon Kurashiki store. You may see it while walking around in a kimono. They also sell souvenirs, so why not take a look inside if you pass by.

Address: 2-3-23 Achi, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, 710-0055


● Kurashiki Ramen Masuya

Rich seafood soup and pork bone soup made from grilled dried sardines. The restaurant was renovated from an Edo period inn, and has been designed to take advantage of the warmth of the white walls and wood, making it the perfect place to enjoy Kurashiki ramen. It is also the perfect place to wear a kimono. Kurashiki ramen is made with a focus on using local ingredients, and not only the ramen and soup, but each and every ingredient is handcrafted, earning it tremendous support from locals and tourists alike. Why not enjoy ramen at this restaurant beloved by locals?

Address: 2-22-3-2 Achi, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, 710-0055


What do you think? This time we introduced a famous noodle shop in Kurashiki. It is a shop that is easy to enter in any situation, whether you are alone, with friends, or with your family. If you happen to see it while walking around in a kimono, please stop by.