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Details of the kimono encyclopedia article of VASARA, a kimono rental company in Asakusa, Kyoto: Irotomesode

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Kimono Encyclopedia

Types of Kimono

Colored formal kimono

Iro-tomesode with five crests is of the same rank as kuro-tomesode and is considered the first formal attire for celebrations that can also be worn by unmarried women.

A black Tomesode is always dyed with five Hinata crests, but a colored Tomesode can have five crests (in this case it is a Hiyoku style), three crests, or one crest. If the number of crests is reduced, it becomes semi-formal attire, so it can be worn at formal tea ceremonies and parties.

Iro-tomesode is a kimono that can be worn in a wide range of situations, and it is mainly female relatives (sisters, grandmothers, and aunts of the bride and groom), guests of honor, and guests of honor who wear it at weddings and receptions.