Currently operating 21 stores nationwide, including Asakusa and Kamakura

Kimono Rental VASARA Recruitment Information

HOME > Recruitment Information > Application Form

Application Form

Let's start working to create KIMONO culture!

VASARA KIMONO is a kimono rental store that offers traditional and playful kimono in a stylish way. We are currently recruiting for the following positions!

full-time employee
Manager/Store Manager Candidate
part-time job
Kimono dresser/hair and makeup artist (3 days a week or more)
Jobs lasting 1 day or more, such as during busy periods or large reservations

※Required item

If you would like to become a VASARA staff member,
Please fill in the required information in the application form below and submit your application.
A recruiter will contact you at a later date.

date of birth

Please enter numbers in half-width characters.

email address
email address
telephone number
Desired job type
desired work Region

If you would like to apply to multiple stores in the vicinity, please indicate so in your motivation for applying and other information.

Reasons for applying/Other